

唯一优势是它们得到了非常旧的浏览器的支持,所以如果您的项目需要支持已经过时的浏览器(比如 Internet Explorer 8 或更早的浏览器)

document.cookie = “name=”+name

参考:w3school cookies

web storage —— 存储简单数据(IE8)

sessionStorage :只要浏览器开着,数据就会一直保存 (关闭浏览器时数据会丢失)

localStorage :会一直保存数据,甚至到浏览器关闭又开启后也是这样。



// Create an instance of a db object for us to store the open database in
let db;
window.onload = function() {
// Open our database; it is created if it doesn't already exist
// (see onupgradeneeded below)
let request = window.indexedDB.open('notes', 1);

// onerror handler signifies that the database didn't open successfully
request.onerror = function() {
  console.log('Database failed to open');

// onsuccess handler signifies that the database opened successfully
request.onsuccess = function() {
  console.log('Database opened successfully');

  // Store the opened database object in the db variable. This is used a lot below
  db = request.result;

  // Run the displayData() function to display the notes already in the IDB

// Setup the database tables if this has not already been done
request.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
  // Grab a reference to the opened database
  let db = e.target.result;

  // Create an objectStore to store our notes in (basically like a single table)
  // including a auto-incrementing key
  let objectStore = db.createObjectStore('notes', { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement:true });
  // Define what data items the objectStore will contain
  objectStore.createIndex('title', 'title', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('body', 'body', { unique: false });

  console.log('Database setup complete');

