Redux store 用来存储和控制应用的 state 创建 Redux store 的 redux 方法:createStore
- 创建 Redux store
// Define the store here: const store = Redux.createStore( (state = 5) => state; )
- 从 Redux store 获取 state
const currentState = store.getState()
- 定义 Redux Action
const action = { type: 'ADD_TODO', text: 'Build my first Redux app'}
- 定义 Action Creater function 将 action 发送到 Redux store 中更新 state
const actionCreator = () => { return {type: 'ADD_TODO'} }
- store.dispatch() 将 action 返回给 store
const store = Redux.createStore(
(state = {login: false}) => state
const loginAction = () => {
return {
type: 'LOGIN'
// Dispatch the action here:
- reducers 管理 actions
(previousState, action) => newState
const authReducer = (state = {login: false}, action) => { switch(action.type){ case'LOGIN': return {login: true} case "LOGOUT": return {login: false} default: return state; } }; const store = Redux.createStore(authReducer); const loginUser = () => { return {type: 'LOGIN'} }; const logoutUser = () => { return {type: 'LOGOUT'} };
- 定义 Action Types 为常量,
const LOGIN = 'LOGIN'; const LOGOUT = 'LOGOUT'; const authReducer = (state = defaultState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case LOGIN: return {login: true} case LOGOUT: return {login: false} default: return state; }; const loginUser = () => { return {type: LOGIN} }; const logoutUser = () => { return {type: LOGOUT} };
- store.subscribe() 每一次 action 执行的时候都会触发,属于事件监听
store.subscribe(() => {count++});//监听一个函数
- Redux.combineReducers({key: reducer}) 组合多个 reducers
const rootReducer = Redux.combineReducers({ count: counterReducer, auth: authReducer })
- 修改 store 中的 state
const ADD_NOTE = 'ADD_NOTE'; const notesReducer = (state = 'Initial State', action) => { switch(action.type) { case ADD_NOTE: return action.text default: return state; } }; const addNoteText = (note) => { return { type: ADD_NOTE, text: note } }; const store = Redux.createStore(notesReducer); store.dispatch(addNoteText('Hello!'));
- 利用中间件控制异步 actions
const handleAsync = () => { return function(dispatch) { dispatch(requestingData); //fetch前执行 setTimeout(function() { let data = {users: ['Jeff', 'William', 'Alice']} dispatch(receivedData(data)); //fetch到数据后执行 }, 2500); } }; const store = Redux.createStore( asyncDataReducer, Redux.applyMiddleware(ReduxThunk.default) );
- state 是不可修改的,所以需要拷贝新的 state 进行修改
arr.slice(begin); // [begin, end] arr.slice(begin, end); // [begin, end) //选择的数组的一部分浅拷贝到一个新数组对象。且原始数组不会被修改。 arr.concat(array1) //合并两个或多个数组。不更改现有数组,返回一个新数组。
Object.assign(target, ...sources)
const newObject = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2);